Monday, March 16, 2009

Top Useful Websites of 2009

1. Twitter: The new phenomenon! I adore twitter. Not only is it simple & free, but it's so easy to access on so many different platforms. Twitter on your blackberry, iphone, PSP, Firefox plugin, or website. Seriously, how can it get more accessible? Here are some links & plugins for those wanting to get into the twit: (a firefox twitter plugin, i use this & find it quite useful!)
twitterberry (for those that wish to tweet on their blackberry)
iphone (an iphone app that is clean & colourful for twitting!)

2. Digg: For everchanging interesting news & information, Digg is the place to look. Based on "diggs", or votes, websites, videos, & photos climb & fall down the list, making it easy to see what the world is interested in. I've found many many interesting articles this way. Digg is WONDERFUL. You can even get a firefox plugin & Digg things yourself! :)
Digg for Firefox

3. StumbleUpon: Similar to Digg, but you only need to push a button to "stumble" onto new & interesting websites of your topic choices. :) Great if you love surfing the internet & get bored with the same old websites very easily. I recommend downloading the firefox extention for it as well. I've spent countless hours stumbling!

SU Firefox addon

4. UrbanDictionary: Always wondered what that slang term your friend always says means? This is the best place to find definitions for offbeat words.


5. Guerrilla Mail: For those times in which you need an e-mail address... ANY e-mail address but your own. Useful for websites where you need an e-mail for an activation code, but are sure you'll get spam later. The e-mail stays active for 15 minutes, allowing you to grab the activation link and... voila! You're done.


6. FreeTranslation: If you need a quick translation of a word or sentence in a diffrerent language, use this website. Simply click on FREE TRANSLATION. :)


7. BugMeNot: Gives you useable login information for many popular websites that require you to register before browsing. So useful if you want to try before signing up, or only need to use it momentarily!


8. Woot: One day, one deal. Every day, auctions off a limited supply of ONE item. The deals are atrociously amazing, and it changes every day! Check back for anything your heart desires, besides the kitchen sink.


9. Skype: I don't know where I'd be without Skype. Free computer-to-computer calls in any country & awesome rates for computer-to-phone calls. Makes international calling much cheaper... and much easier! For computer-to-computer conversations, grab a webcam & utilize the video talk feature. Probably the best of its kind! Also a messaging platform for those that wish to type instead of talk.


10. Nutsie: Create an online copy of your ITunes, or listen to other people's playlists. Wonderful for finding new music, or listening to your music on the go! Can also be used on some mobile phones!


11. eSnailer: Allows you to send snail mail letters FREE from the internet to anywhere in the United States!


12. OhDon'tForget!: a useful website that sends free (text message rates apply) text messages to you (or others!) reminding you of anything you wish or telling your friend happy birthday for you! So useful if you don't want to forget the milk after work.


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