Friday, March 20, 2009

Movie Review: The Watchmen

Who watches the watchmen? I most certainly did, & I wasn't alone. Millions of people around the country rolled into theatres to watch this highly expected film. But was it worth it? I most certainly think so.

From the diverse cast (mmm, Jeffrey Dean Morgan) to the incredibly unique filming, this movie didn't even come close to disappointing me, although I can see where some people might have been less than thrilled with it. The artistic approach is rarely accepted by all. However, I greatly enjoyed everything about this film: the casting, the filming, & the editing. It was far from a disappointment.

I'd have to say Rorschach was my favourite character in the movie. But thank Jesus H. Christ they didn't show his face for most of the film, Jackie Earle Haley isn't a very pretty person. But Rorschach's snide comments and dry humor stole the show. If you were quick enough to catch his incredibly sarcastic jabs, you had yourself a giggle or two.

*SPOILER* My favourite scene? The scene in the jail when Rorschach followed the "little man" into the bathroom... the door swinging back & forth to reveal snippets of what you knew was happening was incredibly creative... and the toilet flush at the end sealed the deal.

All-in-all, the film was incredible. If you aren't a huge fan of the more creatively shot films, you probably want to wait until this one is out on DVD. It's well worth the movie ticket, regardless.

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